
Navigating Hormones Through Every Stage of Life: The User Manual

Navigating Hormones Through Every Stage of Life with DiscovHer Health Founder Jenna Perkins

As a passionate provider for women from all walks of life, I understand that managing hormones can be a complex journey. Hormonal changes impact us differently at various stages of our lives. From young girls to women experiencing menopause, each phase brings its own set of challenges and opportunities. Here’s what I would say to meet each of you at the stage you are in.

Young Girls: Hormonal Beginnings

Understanding the Basics: Young girls often start experiencing hormonal changes as they approach puberty. It’s important to understand that these changes are normal and part of growing up.

Advice for Young Girls:

  • Nutrition and Hormonal Health: Encourage a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to support overall health and development.
  • Education on Hormones: Educate about the menstrual cycle and what to expect. Books and educational videos can be very helpful. Understanding periods can help reduce anxiety and promote a healthy attitude towards menstruation.
  • Physical Activity for Well-Being: Encourage regular physical activity such as swimming, cycling, or dance classes to support physical and emotional well-being.

Teen Years: Hormonal Changes

Navigating Puberty: Teenagers experience significant hormonal changes that can affect mood, skin, and overall health.

Advice for Teens:

  • Skincare for Hormonal Acne: Establish a good skincare routine including cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection. Schedule a consultation with us for persistent issues.
  • Mental Health During Hormonal Shifts: Hormonal fluctuations can impact mood. Encourage open conversations about feelings and seek help from a counselor or therapist if needed.
  • Menstrual Health Awareness: Track menstrual cycles using apps or calendars to identify any irregularities early on. Now is the perfect time to address any severe cramps or irregular periods with us as your provider!

20s & 30s: Balancing Life and Hormones

Young adulthood often brings new challenges, including stress from education, career, and relationships, which can impact hormonal balance.

Advice for Your 20s & 30s:

  • Stress Management for Hormonal Balance: Incorporate stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, and regular exercise into your routine. Apps like Headspace or Calm can be useful for guided meditation.
  • Contraception Options: Discuss contraception options such as birth control pills, IUDs, or condoms with us to make informed decisions about reproductive health.
  • Healthy Lifestyle for Hormonal Health: Maintain a healthy lifestyle with balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep to support hormonal health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days and 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

30s & 40s: Navigating Perimenopause

Adulthood is a time to be proactive about health, as hormonal changes can start to become more noticeable. Perimenopause is the period leading up to menopause, characterized by fluctuating hormones and changes in menstrual cycles.

Advice for Your 30s & 40s:

  • Regular Check-Ups for Hormonal Health: Schedule regular health check-ups, including blood tests, to monitor hormonal levels and overall health. Consider accessing our comprehensive lab analysis to ensure nothing is missing from your lifestyle.
  • Bone Health and Hormones: Incorporate calcium and vitamin D into your diet to support bone health. Foods like dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods are excellent sources.
  • Monitoring Menstrual Changes: Pay attention to changes in menstrual cycles and discuss any concerns with us during your consultation!
  • Symptom Management During Perimenopause: Discuss symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings at a consultation with us. There are both hormonal and non-hormonal treatments available to manage these symptoms.
  • Healthy Lifestyle for Hormonal Ease: Continue focusing on a healthy lifestyle to ease the transition. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management are crucial. Activities like brisk walking, strength training, and Pilates can be beneficial.

Menopause: Embracing a New Phase

Menopause marks the end of menstrual cycles, typically occurring in your late 40s or early 50s.

Advice for Menopause:

  • Hormone Therapy Considerations: Discuss hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with us to determine if it’s right for you. HRT can help manage symptoms such as hot flashes, sleep disruption, and libido changes.
  • Healthy Habits for Menopausal Health: Maintain healthy habits to manage symptoms and support overall health. Focus on a nutrient-rich diet, regular physical activity, and adequate hydration.
  • Mental Health During Menopause: Stay connected with loved ones and engage in activities that bring joy and reduce stress. Challenge yourself to join clubs, take up new hobbies, or volunteer to stay socially active and mentally engaged.

About Us

Jenna Perkins is a board certified Women’s Health and Gender Related Nurse Practitioner with extensive knowledge and experience in Urogynecology, Pelvic Pain, Sexual Health, and complex Gynecology. She is founder of DiscovHER Health, Northern Virginia’s premier destination for women’s healthcare and expertly curated products.

DiscovHER Health Offers cutting edge treatments

Pelvic Health + Wellness

Skincare | Face + Body

Body Toning + Tightening

Weight Loss Program

Where are we located?

We are located in Alexandria, Virginia and serve patients from all over the Mid-Atlantic including Washington DC, Alexandria, Baltimore, and Chevy Chase

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