
Here at DiscovHER HEALTH, we care about treating men with TESTOSTERONE DEFICIENCY.

TD may affect the function of many different body systems, and result in significant detriment in quality of life, including alterations in sexual function.

What is Testosterone Deficiency?

Testosterone Deficiency (TD; sometimes called Androgen Deficiency) occurs when the testes do not produce enough testosterone. Much more rarely, the problem is that the body is unable to respond to testosterone. Around one in twenty men have TD.

Having TD increases a man’s risk of developing heart disease.

Symptoms for Testosterone Deficiency

Sexual problems: reduced sexual desire; fewer night time and morning erections; problems with erection, ejaculation and orgasm

Tiredness; less energy; easy fatigue; falling asleep during the day; depression; sadness; poor concentration; irritability

Change in body shape: reduced shoulder and arm muscle strength and mass; central obesity or “pot belly”; breast growth (gynecomastia)

Reduced body and pubic hair growth, with hairs becoming thinner and less dense (beard growth is frequently unaffected by TD)

Hut flushes/flashes; sweats

Smaller or shrinking testes

Fertility problems

Causes of Testosterone Deficiency

TD due to problems with the testes (also called primary hypogonadism):

This may be due to genetic conditions (e.g. Klinefelter’s Syndrome), testicular injury, previous problems with undescended testes; infection; chemotherapy and radiation therapy; surgery. This accounts for about 20% of men with TD and becomes more common as men get older.

TD due to problems with production of the hormones that stimulate the testes to produce testosterone (also called secondary hypogonadism):

This may be due to disease, injury, irradiation, or developmental problems in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus and/or the pituitary gland, and to overproduction of another hormone called prolactin. This accounts for about 80% of men with TD and is more common in men who are obese, have diabetes, or have a range of chronic health problems, including chronic lung disease, inflammatory bowel disease, some cancers, and HIV. It can also be caused by some drugs, including morphine-like drugs and previous use of anabolic steroids. It affects men of all ages.

Treatments available for Testosterone Deficiency

Treatment without drugs:

For overweight men, a program of diet and exercise for weight loss may increase their testosterone level but this is not effective with all causes of TD, and most men will not achieve and maintain their weight loss target. Treatment of other medical conditions, such as sleep apnea, and the discontinuation of some medications may also result in increased testosterone synthesis. These interventions should always be discussed with your doctor. If testosterone levels are not restored to the normal range by treatment without drugs within a few months, treatment with drugs needs to be considered.

Treatment with drugs:

Before drug treatment of TD is commenced you will need to decide whether maintenance of your fertility (spermatogenesis) and the size of your testes is important to you.

If maintenance of fertility and testicular size are not crucial issues for you, then your TD may be treated with testosterone (testosterone replacement therapy); testosterone is currently the only Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved treatment for TD. Testosterone is available as transdermal gels and patches, injections, implants, and buccal and oral tablets.
The International Society for Sexual Medicine recommends
transdermal gels and patches, and long-acting injections as
the prescriptions of choice for most men.

See ONE OF OUR EXPERTS if you have any of the problems with this condition.
The recommended treatment will depend on the your symptoms and your overall health.
To make the best decision for you, discuss the risks and benefits with us.

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